Create the life you’ve always wanted.
Your quickest route to feeling more empowered and confident in your ability to manifest your greatest desires.
Did you know?
About 95% of the time, your behavior and decision making is done on an unconscious level. If you are feeling stuck, lost, or unfulfilled in any area of your life - the fear, doubt, and limiting beliefs in your subconscious mind are most likely the culprit. Life does not always have to be such a struggle. When you learn how to properly harness the power of your mind, you will realize that you really can create the life of your dreams. You will be amazed at how much easier your life will begin to flow. Utilizing the power of your mind to create your best life is exactly what you will learn to do in my 3-month Train Your Brain program.
Laura Joy, C.Ht
Board-Certified Hypnotherapist
Laura is a certified hypnotherapist, nutrition therapist, personal coach, and EFT practitioner. She is passionate about teaching her clients about the innate power of their own minds. She truly believes anyone can achieve their greatest ambitions if they know how to properly harness the power of their subconscious mind. Her area of expertise is helping those who feel lost, stuck, or unfulfilled in any area of their life feel confident that they are going to manifest their deepest desires. Her Train Your Brain program will equip you with all of the tools and support you need to start erasing those fears, doubts, and limiting beliefs in your subconscious mind, so that you can begin creating your dream life as quickly as possible.
Are you aware that you can create whatever you want in your life?
If you are reading these words, there is a good chance that you have been feeling lost, stuck, or simply unfulfilled in one, or multiple, areas of your life.
I would like for you to take a moment right now to reflect on something that you’ve always wanted to have, something you’d love to do, or something you long to be. Do you dream of making a big change in your life? Maybe you want to move across the country or across the world, but that just feels too risky and scary for you. Perhaps you want to entirely switch careers, but you have fears and doubts about being successful. Or maybe there is something you would love to do, have, or create, but it feels unattainable, impractical, or just a bit too far out of your reach. Your subconscious mind plays a major role in determining what you believe to be true about yourself and what is possible for you to accomplish. Those beliefs can either sabotage your best efforts or be the key to your success.
I am here to tell you that you can have, you can do, and you can be whatever it is that you want. Maybe there are times when you experience a glimpse of hope and optimism about your future - but shortly afterward you hear that annoying little voice in your head that lists all of the reasons why you can never attain what you really want. Others are smarter, more clever, more deserving of success than you are. Life doesn’t work out that way for you. You’re not good enough, smart enough, attractive enough, or deserving enough to get what you want.
Maybe you have heard about the “Law of Attraction” and desperately wanted to believe that thinking positive thoughts can turn your life around. Did you even dedicate some time trying to think “good thoughts” only to find it actually changed nothing? It can be very frustrating and confusing to find that while this technique seems to work for others, it doesn’t work for you. It’s understandable that you may be left feeling as though you have no control whatsoever over what happens in your life.
Does this sound familiar to you?
I don’t want to leave you with the impression that positive thinking is totally without benefits, because that is not the case. But I have noticed many advocates of the “Law of Attraction” fail to mention that positive thoughts and affirmations are done with your conscious mind only, ignoring the underlying and possibly conflicting messages you are receiving from your subconscious mind.
It is helpful to to remember that your subconscious mind is running the show approximately 95% of the time in your life. In order to achieve your greatest ambitions, utilizing your conscious mind alone is typically not very effective. The subconscious mind, which is very resistant to change, must also be on board with the modifications in order to create lasting results.
Your desires were placed within you for a reason; they are there to help you grow and evolve throughout your life. You can have, you can do, and you can be anything that you want - and if you don’t genuinely feel that is true for you, then it is time you start shedding those old belief systems in your mind that are preventing you from living your best life. Far too often, I see people unconsciously allowing the doubts, fears, and limiting beliefs in their minds prevent them from creating the lives they truly want. I created my Train Your Brain program specifically to help you retrain your mind, so that it will be your greatest asset rather than your largest road block.
My 3-Month Train Your Brain Program combines mindset coaching, hypnotherapy, and other powerful therapeutic tools to help erase the fears, doubts, and limiting beliefs in your subconscious that are currently preventing you from having what you want in life. In it, you will receive…
Six group sessions, using hypnotherapy and other effective and powerful tools to access your subconscious mind, raise your vibration, and assist you in eliminating any negative thought processes that are obstructing your path to fulfillment and success.
Session 1: Clarity on what you want to manifest in your life
Session 2: Discovering the fears and limiting beliefs that are personally holding you back
Session 3: Reprogramming your subconscious mind with empowering beliefs
Session 4: Gratitude & understanding your emotional guidance system
Session 5: Aligning your behavior & taking inspired action
Session 6: Trusting the process & following your intuition
Email and Voxer support throughout the entire program. My role will be to provide guidance and encouragement when needed, as well as keep you on track for your own progress as you work towards manifesting your goals.
Hypnosis recordings for the reinforcement of relaxation, visualization, and other techniques used during the sessions to help your subconscious mind be in alignment with your goals.
Home-play assignments to practice between sessions that will allow you to utilize the tools and methods I will provide, so that you will quickly begin seeing results.
My program is for you if:
You are ready to step into your power.
You are ready to start creating the life you’ve always wanted.
You are willing to take charge and responsibility for your life.
You are committed to your success.
You are excited to get started.
My program is not for you if:
You want a magic-bullet approach. While you may start seeing results very quickly, it does not happen without the willingness and effort on your part. You get out of this program what you put into it.
You already have everything you could ever want in your life.